Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"my" Sarah

I like dogs but have not had one since I was in high school or around then; it's been awhile!  Of course you all have read, or maybe not, about how many homeless dogs we have wondering around, depending on the kindness of people for food.  Sarah, one of the homeless dogs (street dogs as they're referred to here) that I was immediately drawn to once I arrived here 2 Julys ago, was a little like my dog.  She wasn't mine in that she went home with me inside my apartment or I was the person who was responsible for her, but she was "mine."  She went EVERYWHERE I did!!  This past weekend I almost even fell because I went to walk away after talking to someone and she was under my feet so when I went to walk I tripped over her!  As you all can probably tell by now and the use of the past tense referring to her she passed away over the weekend.  What I choose to focus on and write about was the fact that S. had only 2 good legs, her front ones and her back ones just kinda dangled behind when when she  "walked."  She was the definition of perseverance and "gumption," the never say die attitude, the "so what if I only have 2 legs" attitude.  She didn't let a little thing like the lack of 2 legs slow her down AT ALL!  She did not feel sorry for herself and stop living (or chasing cars)or curl up in a ball and wait to die, figuring she wasn't getting anywhere (no pun intended) so why try.  She was with me just about everywhere I went, even if it was far away!  One time this past summer I went to meet some students at the stadium to watch a football, soccer, match.  The stadium is kind of far from my apartment but S followed me the whole way...and back!  You can think it sounds a little silly when I say she was inspirational but think about it; here was a dog with only 2 good legs that still chased vehicles, I guess a donkey cart is a vehicle, got into fights with 4 legged dogs, and generally did everything a 4 legged dog would do!  She had a handicap; didn't stop her.  I am really going to miss seeing her come and meet me after I get home from work and stand still while I pet her!!  I really will miss looking behind me and not seeing her there!!  Now S is in a place where she can chase cars with the use of 4 legs and has an over supply of food all the time.  I'm going to miss you S!  Thoughts and prayers are with my family!!  Love and hugs from here!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

"I'm thankful for..."

This is a Thanksgiving post.  In my adult classes this week we are starting with a "I'm thankful for" chain of new English words.  we did this is PST with B sentences to help our memory and language skills.  We're also learning a little, just a tad, about the holiday Thanksgiving.   So, what am I thankful for??  I have so very much to be thankful for I don't really know where to start!  I have to say first and foremost I am thankful to my God who, without my God, none of this would be possible!  I have my God to thank for everything I have, from the shoes I wear to the ability to teach the English alphabet.  I am thankful for my family and friends in the States who support me 100%, pick me up when I need encouragement, and keep me informed with news from the states and from their lives.  I am thankful for my friends and family I have here in B who welcomed me with open arms into their hearts and community.  My fellow volunteers are an incredible support to me, both with ideas and, more importantly, understanding...because they're here too and, chances are, dealing with the same things.  I'm thankful that I have this incredible opportunity to serve and represent my Country; maybe even helping, in my own little corner of B, the image of America and women.  Since the Peace Corps is leaving B in 2013 I feel incredibly lucky and honored to have been given this chance, to have been chosen as one of the last volunteers in this beautiful country!  I believe everything happens for a reason; there is a reason I was supposed to come here.  Because of that I keep working, even on days that I really don't want to and it would be so easy to curl up and watch E tv or read an E book.  I've said it before and I'll say it again; I'm living a life right now that most people only dream of and because of that fact realize I am not only here for me, my grandparents, and M,C, and W.   I am here for everyone who would love to do what I'm doing but for one reason or another, can't.  I am incredible thankful for Nargis, my B connection and, no matter what she says, an excellent E. speaker!  I am thankful for my collegues here who help me with anything and everything; even so far as planning Thanksgiving themselves since I have other things to occupy my time this year!  Kudos to them (bravo na tqh) for picking up the slack.  On this day to give thanks there are so many things I have to be grateful for in my life!!  To all those of you reading this in the states, HAPPY THANKSGIVING and remember why we celebrate!!  It's not just about eating too much, taking naps, and watching football; it goes MUCH deeper; at least for me it does!  Love and hugs from me!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"I misunderstood."

Thank you for your prayers!  I spent about a total of 12 hrs traveling on Friday and only about 5 in Sofia.  That's ok; I went to see a friend this past weekend for a pre-Thanksgiving weekend so that was enjoyable and made all the traveling worthwhile!  THen on Monday night before my adult class I found out I won a Tgiving themed goodie basket for turning in some paperwork from someone at the the corps!  Thanks Jason! So tonight's blog has to do with something Nargis told me about a week ago.  I was trying to explain, in B, that a friend of mine had an appointment in Sofia the same day as me (turns out I misunderstood her, she didn't have one).  One of the B words for an appointment/meeting/date is very close to the English word "engagement."  I thought I would switch and use that word, after all I had been hearing it more than the word I had been using.  Well when I told Nargis she got all excited and started asking me all these questions like "how did she find him" and "he's American right?"  I thought she was excited because I was going to be with my good friend in Sofia (she's very good about that.  She realizes I'm away from "family" and my PC friends/connections are very important to me!) and she thought I was telling her my good friend was getting married!  Quite the misunderstanding.  But Nargis told me later on that when there is a misunderstanding between people that means the misunderstood thing is going to happen.  Another little superstition that, I'm not aware of, isn't practiced in the states.  Tgiving is appreaching and I/we have nothing planned with the students here.  I feel a little bad about that but Halloween was 2 weeks ago, I have more going on this year than I did last year, and there just wasn't time to prepare anything.  We had a big celebration last year and that makes not doing much/anything this year easier for me to handle.  Well, time for me to get to other things!  Love and hugs from me!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

nothing special!

This is going to be short again because I'm leaving tonight after my adult class for a Dr's appointment. I would like to request prayers for my appointment tomorrow.  It's nothing big or anything to be too concerned about...really; my mom even agrees and she's a retired nurse!  That's about it; sorry so short! Love and hugs from me!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So I finally looked at the actual temperature and it is -1*C; cold both in *F and *C!  I think I have covered this before but it's been awhile so will tell you all again.  It's very common here to eat out of a common dish at mealtime.  At first of course I took special notice of this fact because it wasn't what I was used to doing.  Now I have gotten so used to it when I went gosti with my visitors from the states I just helped myself, after everyone was seated of course, to the food in front of me and didn't think twice about sharing the same dish with everyone else!  The couple of times I have been invited to special meals, for weddings or funerals, everyone sits around a very small table, women at one and men at the other, called a "sofra" and a communal dish is put in the middle and if you don't get your spoon or piece of bread in there there will be none left for you!   I have to say I have gotten quite used to this way and will probably have to be "scolded" when I get back to the states and reminded that's not how meals are eaten, in my family at least.  It's coming up on Turkey day and I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving already!!  I think we're set to do the turkeys again and will do without the baked potatoes since they didn't go over very well (people did not seem to like them and did not eat them all).  YIKES!  Time is fying!  That's about it from here!  The sun has made an appearance and is warming things up a little in my glass-enclosed terrace and the door to my terrace is open and a precious little heat is entering my den/office area which is nice...for a change!  Love and hus from here!!  Thoughts and prayers are with a friend in the states, and as always with all of you as well!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Halloween pics2

the 10th graders with their

the 11th and 12th graderswith
their jack-o-lanters

one of the 8th graders with their

one of the 9th graders with their

we played "pin the nose on the

Ibrahim was the winner of the
spaghetti eating contest.

we had 5 contestants

they were so ready and eager
to begin eating they forgot
to sit down!

another 9th grade jack-o-lantern

we had teams of 2 throw grapes over
the blackboard to each other.  We counted how
many each pair caught in
their mouths. 

these guys are super funny and
do a silly "skit" at every party!  They
dress up and everything!  Ibrahim even
has a chest!

another pair of dancers.

you can see their "child" in the
background.  He's the one
with the white hat.

need I say more??

here he is in the baby carriage!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Halloween pics coming tomorrow!  It's late and time to think about bed for me.  My adult English classes keep surprising me!  I think I'm teaching them something new and it's old hat to them!  Maybe not old hat but they are past the verb "to be."  This just means someone, that would be me, has to start learning how to teach past tense in my native language!  I've go all the books and resources to help me; it just would've een easier for me to start from "the very beginning."  But hey, I'm here to work!  Thoughts are with the members of B26 running a marathon this weekend...in another country!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Today's blog is a very short one.  Tonight we are having a Halloween party at the English School!  The best part about this is that I had very little to do with it!  Not that I want to get out of work or anything like that (stop laughing!) but when the people from the community get involved it becomes more sustainable!  Which is the biggest part of why we are here; cultural exchange and sustainability!  I'm trying to read 2 very short spooky stories (in English)  and hope they work.  we are playing 4 games, picked by my peers here, and carving pumpkins.  Should be a nice time!!  Love and hugs from me!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

a new home

This is starting to be a broken record!  Sorry for last Thurs's no blog.  Last Thurs was moving day and I was a little busy!  Actually I had lots of help and I felt like I didn't do much but supervise and direct every once in awhile!  Some of the boys got out of class (yep, that's right!) to help with the heavier stuff and the ladies that clean the English School came to clean my new apartment before I moved in.  And yes mom, I told them they didn't have to that I would do it and even offered to help but I was not successful in either attempt and finally just gave up and figured I'd be more in the way.  So I'm about 90% done with moving all my stuff around and figuring out where I want everything.  My new apartment[ only 1 floor up(thank goodness, but I guess I can't really say that because I didn't move the majority of my stuff; THANKS GUYS AND SCHOOL LEILA'S)] HAS A (oops!) big main room like my other apartment but this one has a wall with a sliding wooden door seperating it into 2 smaller rooms.  This is great for Winter when it gets super cold; that way all the heat is trapped in one small room (that's why people choose to sleep in very tiny rooms).  However I have discovered a drawback (a negative sort-of).  On sunny days, I forgot-my terrace is also closed in with windows, when the heat from the sun's rays get "trapped" in the terrace I can open my door to the terrace and let in all that warmth!  BUT the wall to the part of the room where I sleep gets in the way and that room/part doesn't get the warmth from the sun as much, a little but not much.  All in all it's a nice apartment!  Maybe a little bit bigger because the owners used part of the outside hallway to make their kitchen and extended the apartment that much further.  I will say that since the apartment is the uppermost apartment and the last, or first one, of the 3 my apartment blocks the wind for the other 2.  Because of that it can be a bit colder but, with my radiator and space heater I do fine!  I have taken a friend's suggestion and started stuffing the plastic bags they give us when we go shopping around my kitchen windows.  I did that in my last apartment an I actually think it helps some.  A way to reuse AND it helps keep me warm!  Since I moved on Thursday, had to finish getting things ready in the apartment, and it was a 4 day weekend for schools (no school Mon b/c Sunday was the 2nd and last elections and the school is used and then has to be cleaned on Monday and Tuesday was the last day of our Fall break) I really didn't go outside this long weekend.  It's been nice and sunny these past days, which is awesome, and wasn't too cold when I went out this afternoon.  I'll give you a temperature as soon as I get one.  Not much else is happening here.  With the 2 days off this week it's only a 3 day week which is always nice.  My thoughts and prayers go out East and the people who experienced the early, bad snowstorm!  Love and hugs from me!!  I almost forgot, HAPPY HALLOWEEN A DAY LATE!!!