Friday, September 24, 2010

school part 2

students start school at the age of 7 and have to continue until the age of 16 but there are many children who drop out before then, especially in the roma communities and other underserved communities.  you'll find it surprising, maybe not, to know that the roma girls, yes-note i said girls, drop out to get married.  the primary schools go from grades 1 to 8.  after that a child can either enroll in a regular high school or apply to a special school.  students graduate from gr 12, if they choose to continue, at age 19.  if after gr 7/8, usually 7 b/c special schools start with gr 8,  you want to apply to a special school(language, math, or science) you have to take a special exam and it is a very competitive process!  the first year at a special school is an intensive english insruction, the # of english classes get smaller as the grade level gets higher , and at graduation they have english proficiency.  upon graduation time there is a test, kinda like the SAT but not really, that covers Bulgarian language and literature, and another subject of the students choice.  also there is a test students have to take after their first year if they're in a special school.  the grading system is unlike in the states, well some places, and uses the number system instead of our letter grades with a "6" being the top grade, excellent, and "2" being a failing grade, poor.  english is intoduced in the 2nd gr with 2 hrs/week and in gr 3 there is 3 hrs/wk.  a second foreign language is introduced in gr. 5.  Bulgaria provides books in grades 1-4 but after that the families have to pay and extra materials for teachers????  what's that???  there just isn't money for that.  and now the part i know teachers will like!  teachers usually only come to school for their classes.  however most of the teachers at my school commute and use the school's transportation so they really can't leave.    did i leave anything out???  these kids will probably know more english grammer than i do when they graduate!!  grammer was never my strong suit growing up, mom got me through, and to tell the truth i had to ask for help from nargis when i had to review some grammer points with a couple classes today!!  well i have to close for now.  i have a meeting with the kindergarten parents in about an hour and have to go get ready.  my blogs may be a little shorter from now on but still let me know if you're curious about anything in the Bulgarian culture!  I plan on introducing smores sometime this wknd to my neighbors!!  i got graham crackers and marshmallows yest from mom and ron and will put them to good use! love to all!  lisa

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, you never talked about the Independence Day celebrations from this past Wednesday. So did you do anything or learn anything from the holiday?
