Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I may have mentioned this before but am not sure, and it's something different from how we do it in the States, so choose to blog about it.  Whereas in the States we use a letter grading scale, I don't even know what it is anymore it's changed lots since I've been out of school,  as our grading system, here they use numbers.  Each student has a little book and they can keep track of their own grades.  I guess you can too in the States but we don't have a little book given to us.  At least when I was in school we didn't.  Here a 6 (excellent)  is the "top grade" a student can get and a 2 (poor) is a "failing grade."  A 5 is "very good," a 4 is "good," and a 3 is "fair."  The students stay in the same room all day and the teachers move which is also different from the States.  Testing is not only written it is also oral and is done regularly.  I wonder if that's what I saw this morning.  I went to the 8th class (grade) Bulgarian class.  I figure the 8th class is the closest to where I am right now.  There's much I don't understand but I figure being lost in the B language is still being surrounded by the language and that is what I need.  I've seen the teacher, my tutor, call 2 students up front and she has them write on the blackboard certain words and then she goes over them with the class.  When she tells them to sit down I see them hand her their little grade books andshe writes in them so I'm thinking these are oral tests.  I'll have to ask her more about this.   Of course the teachers have a master grade book and they keep track too.  With it getting colder out and since there's no central heating every room has a wood burning stove and a daily supply of wood.   I think having a warm school is something we take for granted too, I know I did!  It snowed again last night, just a dusting.  My thoughts and warm feelings go to friends and family in the States who are being/have been hit by snow storms.  My friend told me South Bend was expecting 15+ ins. of snow!!  And the Metrodome???!!!  Now THAT'S some snow and I hope everyone is ok and takes the proper precautions!  Love and hugs!!

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