Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I'm not sure if I've blogged about alcohol yet, and don't feel like sifting through a bunch of archived blogs to find out, so I'm going to do (another) one.  There is no drinking age here like in the states.  It is nothing to see my students having a beer, or stronger.   I was asked by my counterpart to speak to her 9th grade class about American foods and drinks, places to vacation, and another topic that we didn't get to; the topic turned to why I am here and all which I never mind sharing!  In the process of talking about food and drink one of the things I mentioned, I knew it would get their attention, was the fact that we have a drinking age in the states, for the life of me I couldn't remember what-21 right?  I told them that if their parents or anyone over age is caught giving alcohol to someone underage that person will get in trouble.  I was right, they did find that hard to believe.  I have been to several gostis where alcohol was made available to my students.  It's just so commonplace here no one thinks twice about a young person having a drink.  It's my opinion from my experience here so far, one thing B does beter than the states is with the issue of drinking and driving.  I'm not talking about sobriety check-points or commercials detailing the problems with it, I'm talking about accountability between people.  When I went to the 8th March celebration with some of my fellow teachers and students (International Women's Day) we took the school transportation and a 12th grader drove.  Everyone made sure he didn't have a drop of alcohol!  Now I know in the states there are people who do that, my brother-in-law won't even touch a drink if he's driving.  However I think that is pretty rare.  When I was in the 9th grade class the students told me B has a problem with drinking and driving too and I'm sure they are right, they are the ones who have lived here for 10+ years, I  just haven't seen it.  Maybe that's because there are fewer people who drive here or maybe it's because I can't drive so I don't see the problem.   Either way I think maybe the states could take some lessons from B in that area.  Again, from my experience.  I did decide though that unless it's a very special occasion I'm not going to drink with my students; it just doesn't feel right to me.  Love and hugs!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa. I'm just checking in to see if you're OK because you haven't blogged for about a week. I hope all is well.
