Friday, August 19, 2011

daily recap

So nothing that I wanted to do today happened.  I wanted to talk to a man about my washing machine and he wasn't at work.  I did meet a bunch of new people though so I guess that is good.  There were a bunch, maybe 6-8, men sitting outside the Mayor's office on benches when I went to talk to Nedzjmi and this one made a comment on the dogs following me...that aren't mine just usually with me.  He asked me the dog's name, Sara, and then asked me mine.  We talked for awhile; it's always good to meet new people, just don't ask me their names!  Then I went to get my hair cut but the lady who cuts my hair wasn't home.  Her husband told me to come back tomorrow.  So I took a little walk.  One of my goals this year is to do more at the mosque here, learn more about Islam.  I've been there once but need to experience and learn more.  While walking I saw a grandpa outside his house, he waved at me:), wearing a black "cap" or headpiece Muslim men wear.  It was a little while before I said to myself "this is a good chance!  Ask him if he speaks B and then ask him if you could go with him to the Mosque or what time is the service on Friday or ANYTHING about the Mosque!"  Continuing the discussion with myself a little birdie reminded me "it's not 4:00 yet and not a proper time for gostis."  Another little birdie countered;  "they won't care!  You need to do this and this is how you meet people and therefore learn!"  So I finally decided to walk a couple houses back and ask him.  All the arguing I did with myself, probably only about 1 minute went by, cost me the awesome oportunity!   He was inside when I went back.  Next time!  So I went back home and was in my comfortable apartment clothes when I remembered my baba goes to the Mosque.  I ran down to her apartment and asked her if I could go with her if she was going tonight.  She wasn't going and asked me why and I told her I wanted to go and was wondering if I could go with her.  She told me no and then, after talking about that for awhile, she told me I needed to have a child.  I told her I don't want a child but she told me everyone needs to have at least one.  My (imaginary) boyfriend that I broke up with soon after we started dating is still in her thoughts and she keeps telling me I need to go to him.  I tell her I don't want to, that I have things to do here, but that doesn't seem to matter.  I told her we broke up because I don't like decieving anyone, no matter how big or small, and going along with this didn't sit right with me, So I "ended" it and told her we broke up.  Only it doesn't seem to matter because she is still fixated on the imaginary boyfriend I broke up with, that I didn't love by the way.  So  that was my day.  Prayers are with my family and the people of Pakistan who suffered a horrible bombing of a Mosque today that killed 40 people and injured many more.  That, I think, was part of the reason I wanted to reach out today.  I still might.  Love and hugs from here!

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