Friday, September 9, 2011


This is my long overdue blog about Ramadan.  Ramadan is broken into 2 different celebrations about a month apart.  The start of Ramadan is always different I learned b/c  the times are based on the Arabic calander which is lunar.  The first “part” ended about a week ago, maybe 2.  This is called Eid al-Fitr.  From sunup to sundown observing Muslims fast.  In addition to going without anything to drink or eat, there is no smoking, foul language, or sexual relations.  There are certain people who are exempt from abstaining from nutrients; women who are on their cycle, the sick and elderly, and pregnant or breast feeding women.  I also read something about if a person is traveling a certain distance during the day they are exempt.  THere are certain people who, if they can't participate, have to "make up days" while others have to exchange fasting for feeding the poor.  Come sundown, let the feasting begin!  The mosque by my apartment looks so pretty at sundown!  Illuminating from the top windows is a neon green light signaling it's the appropriate time to eat.  This meal is started by eating 3 dates.  The last 3 days of this Ramadan are feasting and family/friends days!  People make baklava and other sweet things.  As my counterpart says "this is the sweet Ramadan!"  Money is also given to children.  There is so much more for me to learn and I'm sure there are even things I've included here that are not the most accurate!  But it's all new and different to me and I'm enjoying learning and so appreciate the willingness of people here to allow me to participate!  That's it for my blog.  Let's not forget the events that took place over this weekend 10 years ago!!  The United States became more united for awhile, and then wasn't as united.  It's one of those things I'll never forget where I was and what I was doing.  When I was little and my mom would say something about how she remembers exactly where she was during such and such a time, when Kennedy was shot for example, I thought she was nuts!  How can someone remember such minute details years on down the road?  Now I know how.  I shall never forget.  Love and hugs from me!

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