Thursday, March 1, 2012

baba marta 2012

CHESTIT BABA MARTA!!!  Once again it's that time of year to make and wear martinitzas!  For all you new folks a martinitza is a red and white bracelet that you make, buy, or are given.  You wear then on your wrist or lapel or around your neck until you see a stork; a symbol of Spring.  On a side note, we had snow last night and I'm ready for the stork!!  When you see a stork (which doesn't look a thing like the storks that carry the babies) you take your martinitzas off and hang it on a fruit bearing tree.  I have to admit I cheated last year and saved all mine.  This year the trees will get them!!  Once again we had a party to make m's last night after school and it was a bunch of fun!  We have some really creative students!  Anyway, happy 1st of March!!!  I had a teacher ask me yesterday what the English transltion of martinitzas is and I told her "there is no translation because there are no martinitzas in the statess."  At least that I know of.  I'm doing something a little different today.  Last year Bulgaria had their first English spelling bee open to 4th -7th graders and it was a tremendous success!!  The volunteer who is spearheading this emailed me and said there's a school near me participating with no volunteer and asked me if I could lend my native tongue and knowledge of spelling bees to them.  I had to familiarize myself with spelling bees a little but this afternoon I'm headed to see how I can help their school.  We shall see!!  I have to hand it to my fellow volunteers who stepped it up and are helping with this and got the ball rolling last year!!  I think I read where a 4th grader won last year...impressive!  Better go get ready for my meeting!  Love and hugs from here!!

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