Wednesday, June 27, 2012

our final party

I'm sorry I didn't get around to blogging yesterday and I'll apologize ahead of time about not blogging tomorrow too!  We are in the middle of getting ready for a combination 4th of July/end of the school year/farewell party/celebration for me tomorrow night and things got crazy all of a sudden!  Yesterday I asked a student to help me with a power point presentation (I've never done one- I know you all are SHOCKED!) and in the middle of uploading my pictures to the presentation we lost power and lost everything we had done.  I should say everything HE had done, which was about 1/4 of what needed to be done and the easy part turns out which was good.  Same thing happened today but he saved more frequently so not a big loss.  Nargis and I also took a bunch of my stuff to the Jimea yesterday so it could be given to whoever needs it.  In the middle of planning (starting to really) this gathering tomorrow night I heard a rumor that only some of the students could come...and I got mad!  "This is my last party with the students and, darn it, I want everyone there!" was what I  was thinking.   Turns out I got all “in a tizzy” (that’s for you mom) for no reason and the mood that I caused myself to be in only set me back; hurt me!  That’s what I get for listening to rumors!  Nargis wants me to say something about the 4th tomorrow night and I think this time I’m going to IN BULGARIAN!  I figure if the students see me fumbling all over my words and making mistakes they might get more of the idea that mistakes aren’t bad, actually necessary and good most of the time!   I just thought about something!  I’m not even going to read over it more than once; I’ll just have to tell the teachrs to let me read and NOT to help me!  So that is tomorrow night and then Friday is the last day of school and my last day with the hostel students:(  Getting to major kleenex time here (lots of crying)!  Love and hugs!

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