Friday, June 25, 2010

a few of my favorite things

while traveling back from my site visit the other day I noticed some things and thought I'd share.  I love that while riding in the bus and passing fields and empty structures and more fields right in the middle of everything will be cows grazing.  I love how the sheepherders we read about in Indiana actually exict here in B.  I love how you can be walking along and see a woman leading her two goats.  I love how I left flat and cornfields in Indiana and traveling to my site I passed through flat and cornfields.  I do have to say though the flat fields in IN are flat and here there are rolling hills which are very beautiful even though they aren't cultivated.  I love how the other day while in Pleven while having lunch with a fellow trainee I met along the way we saw a BMW.  Not long after that we saw a horse-drawn cart, or maybe donkey I can't quite remember.  I love how while traveling along right in the middle of nothing is an empty building.  And the sunflowers!  Fields of sunflowers!  I love that!  Kinda like a dandelion yard.  I love how there were times during my trip where I'd look out the window and on either side of the bus as far as my eyes could see were nothing but fields.  I love how there ae seemingly no rules on the roads.   a car, or horse drawn cart, in front of you is going too slow you pass them regardless how close the oncoming car is or what color the line is IF there is a line.  And the potholes we complain about in the States?  if I called the Mayor for every pothole I encountered just i the drive between here and Vratsa I'd never hang up the phone.  Oh and that's something else I love.  When I said there are no rules, or at least to an outsiders eye, I mean that you don't stay in a lane while driving.  The road is one giant lane!  When you get into a car you're in for an adventure!   There are no u-turns.  The other day I looked up at just the right moment and saw a horse-drawn cart totally cross about 3 "lanes" of "traffic" and go the other direction!  It was too funny!  I love how dinner can take hours and everywhere you go you're offered coffee, something to drink and people just drop what they're doing!  I love how the other day while helping Dani dry dishes I accidently closed a ddrawer with dishes inside hard and was afraid I had broken one and Dani said "it's just a thing, it's not important!"  I love how when I visited my school where I will be working the staff made a big, not sure exactly how to describe it.  maybe sticky bun without the sticky part, "loaf" of bread just for me (of course after I took a piece and ate it everyone else did too) and had a little bowl of honey for me to dip it in.  I also love how all of a sudden Im back to bold or normal typing instead of italics and I didn't do anything.  I love how people here, grandmas and host families in particular, think I'm doing a great job speaking B and I butcher the language they love but they just smile and rub my cheek like I just did something awesome.  I love how after going about a month without American music, more or less-there was some but not the songs I really love, when I listened to my ipod, thanks to Sophie, I felt a warm rush of home.   really can't describe it but it was pretty awesome!  andd then when I heard Maya's song a big smile came to my face, even in bed.  I love how suddenly I have forgotten to take my dictionary with me to meals with my family.  I love how everyone knows the Americans by the backpacks or bags that we carry all the time because we have so many books.  I love the feeling of freedom of riding my families bike down the middle of the road with my helmet on.  the other day when it was very hot we were on a bike ride and between my glasses sliding down my nose, my hair getting in my eyes, and my helmet not being tight enough I was a sight for sore eyes!  these are just some of the things I have noticed are different than the states and I have grown accustomed to over here.  I'll try to write about my site in a fe days or tomorrow if time.  things are piling up and between now and July 23rd we are super busy!  Thoughts are with Marsha and the rest of my family!  Love!


  1. And I love how appreciative your are of every little moment and thing you get to experience. We get so tangled up with the daily routine sometimes that we forget to notice our surroundings and be thankful for just being....

  2. It makes me so happy to hear that you are appreciating the differences and not totally freaking out/complaining about them. Keep your head right and you'll keep doing great!
