Monday, June 21, 2010

some answers

forforbrad i have not taken your advice yet and did not create a seperate doc for my blog so once again lost what i had and the followup is going to be kinda short.  the interviews i had with the yd people from the corps had to do with getting to know me and how i want to spend the next 2 yrs and not about moving from a trainee to volunteer.  that will happen july 23 at swearing in.  whether a person becomes a volunteer has more to do with attitude and desire than anything else.  if a person wants to spend the rest of the 2 yrs in b. they will and the corps will make that happen, but only if A PERSON WANTS IT!  if the language is not going so well and you have not achieved the level needed to move on the corps will work with you to make sure that hhave toappens.  they are not going to send you home just because you can't speak well enough.  the language for me is coming slowly i think and just like english it's the grammar that is killing me!  my host family is great and they do a lot for me!  for me i guess the only expectation i had about the corps, not really expectation, had to do with where i would serve and the idea of the people i would serve.  i have to say at first it wasn't europe.  i had pictured more of a underdeveloped country like the dominican republic.  but then i checked my attitude and realized i applied to help and if they need help in europe so be it!  the food here is great and i really am going to have to watch myself!  lots of tomatoes and cucumbers and soup.  of course tea and coffee are big over here.   and bread.  breakfast is kinda like an open faced sandwich with some kind of meat and cheese.   now my job.  i will be working in with young people at an english school, a kindergarten, and the Mayor's office.  the focus of the school where i will be working is english, so good for m e in that dept b/c i got that part covered!  they want some new and exciting activities for the young people.  we'll see where that takes me!  more details on where later when i know the exact address.  i have to say as of right now i'm not sure the "help" i provide to my b friends will even come close to what i have received from them so far!  i am going to do my best and work hard to try to live up to my end of the bargain but right now i have to say i think i will fall short!  everyone i have come into contact with from my host family to the headmaster of the school where i will work to my counterpart has given me so much!  it is so incredibly humbling!  anyway i'll leave you all with that.  how come mathis and wayne aren't in camp?  is it a money thing?  i dove my colts but now that i'm over here all that money does seem kinda pointless.  i have to be up at 6 tom so am going to head to bed which is so very comfy!  i love you all!  keep that streak up fever!


  1. Lisa, you never mentioned anything about the name of the town you will be living at for the next two years.

  2. Lisa- hope you are doing well- it sounds like you are. I was going through Christopher's school papers last night, and he had an entire page in his journal written about you leaving for Bulgaria and how he hopes you have fun, but he will miss you. The boys still call your house "Miss Lisa's House" just with the caviat that "some boy lives there now". :)

  3. Hi Lisa,
    Learning a new cuture and language is challenging, for sure. I remember when my son was going to Norway to live, he was desperately trying to learn the language. He was staying with my dad that summer to care for him. When I went to visit, everything in the house had a little piecee of paper with the Norwegian word taped on it. The calendar, sofa, refrigerator, etc. There were hundreds of papers all over the house. I think we all learned some Norwegian that summer.
    I have never lived in another country, but have worked in them for a short time. It is a humbling experience and it is life defining forever.
    You will do great. I remember meeting you in Indiana and I remember how open, friendly, and engaging you are. That is what it takes!
