Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I can do this!!

You know, it never fails me when I stop and think what I take for granted now, things that are second nature to me now that are a BIG deal when looked at by themselves.   Today I went to get my litchna carta process started.  The litchna carta is a little like a social security card.  When we first came we applied for a card but were only allowed to apply for 1 year.  Now that year is up and it's time to renew because mine expires the beginning of August and they give fines for expired l.c's.  So, since this is coming up and I'm going to be busy with other things I decided to get it started today.  This summer is a little different than last in that last summer I was new here and kinda needed someone with me most of the time, or at least during the day.  I had a schedule to follow to learn my way around my new home, places to go and "gostis" to experience!  Now that I've been here a year Nargis can go on the vacation she very much deserves and my director can worry about the school stuff instead of showing around the new Peace Corps volunteer.  I guess what I'm getting at is that this summer there is more to worry about than me.  I really didn't know how comfortable I felt trying to get this very important document by myself and decided to ask someone to go with me.  I rethought that and decided to do it myself!  I know my way around the place where I had to go enough and figured hey, if I can survive loosing my phone there I can surely do this!  Everything worked out fine and I even got finished earlier than I thought and got an earlier bus back to my place.  Thinking about the morning and what had been accomplished on the bus back home I realized what a big deal that was.  If you would have told me 6 months ago I would travel alone in a foreign country (ok, not so foreign anymore) to complete a very important document that can't be messed up and  all the while only speaking in Bulgarian I would have laughed in your face!!  I guess the point is that we all have more strength than we thought and if it needs to be done, we just find a way to do it without even thinking twice!  It's when you slow down or take a sip from a cold beer after a long bus ride that you realize "hey, I really did that!  Cool!"  One of the movies I have seen a few times here, it's in English-weekend tv, had a quote in it that I like; "if it's necessary then it's possible."  That's a little how today was I guess.  I'm not sitting down with a cold beer just yet but I feel one in my future!  It's HOT here!  During the bus ride in the morning I overheard the guy on the radio say 36*.  Of course that's *C but when you do the math that's pretty close to 100*F!!  Love and hugs from here!!


  1. Hi Lisa. Your statement in this journal entry well summarizes an epiphany for all Peace Corps volunteers during their service. At some point you realize how much you have learned and grown and how better you are able to function in a totally foreign country compared to the first 4-6 months being there. Thanks for sharing.

  2. So proud of you sis!!!! When you get home anything else will feel like child's play because you had moments like that. it's a very empowering moment.
