Tuesday, November 9, 2010

fall and papa johns

well i found out that when people here told me there would be a display of leaves with all diferents colors during fall they were not joking around!  it had been fall here for quite awhile and the leaves have been changing for quite some time now i just haven't gotten around to blogging about it yet.  one thing B is proud of is their many forests and greenry.  now with all the different colors on the trees and on the ground, we're had such strong winds the past 2 days I'm sure there aren't any leaves left of the trees, it looks just georgeous!   and the view driving thru the mountains to pick up my parents at the airport was more than i can describe in words!   the word beautiful just doesn't fit!  it was like looking out into the (i know i'm going to spell this wrong so please excuse me)Shanandoahs Valley is Virginia during the fall!  We literally drove up one side and down the other side of the mountain!  looking out into the valley was one of those things you just can't take a picture of, it will always be prettier in my mind!  i tell people all the time about how in the states we rake up the leaves and jump in them and if my knee would let me, better but i still need to pamper it so jumping is the last thing i want to do right now, i would do just that and show everyone here what they are missing!  and i have to say the next time i complain about raking my leaves in my yard i'm going to think back to the brooms and 3 pronged "rakes" that are used over here!!!  t's time for me to do some of my other work; big preparations for the "den na blagodarnost", thanksgiving.  however i'm going to leave you with this thought.  i love it here, the people, the food, the laid back atmoshere, my jobs (the ones i have actually started), among other things...however...someone please have a ham and pineapple and peppers papa john's pizza for me with a huge bowl of cookies and cream ice cream, or yogurt, for me and i want essays on how they taste!!!  that's YOUR homework!!  love to all!! steph, you can totally be all over the ice cream for me!  remember how i stir it up first??!!??


  1. I even have to eat it like you? I'm totally all over the assignment, maybe not the stirring part, though.

  2. So I did eat a bowl of cookies and cream... I accidentally purchased light, so i don't think I got the creamy factor you were after and I don't really like that brand that I chose but it was very good... Nice bits of oreo, nice creamy vanilla ice cream... SUPER TASTY!!! Thought of you while I ate it :) Love you.
