Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm home!

Oh my gosh!!  The last couple weeks have been fun but went very fast and now is when the busy stuff starts!  Thanks to 2 of my friends from the states who came over for a visit and asked me to show them around, I traveled to some of B I probably wouldn't have if I were on my own.  We had so much fun and it was so exciting to see this country, which I have grown to love and is and has been my home, through their eyes.  They got to ask questions I can't, and frankly don't want to, about politics and such and, because I just don't have the time to delve into everything I want to here, were able to learn things about this history that is so very interesting!  I had a great time and have to thank them for everything and ESPECIALLY wanting to come and see the beauty that is Bulgaria!!  This country has so very much to offer from mountains to fields to the Danube to woods and nature!  Bulgaria needs other people to realize that and come visit and make it prosperous!  I have to get some preparations done for my class so have to call it quits for today.  I also think I changed the days of my blogs but right now I can't remember which days!  Love and hugs from me!

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