Friday, February 3, 2012

krakow the 27th #2

I forget exactly what this story was
but when the Nazi's were looking
for Jewish people during WW2 this
was a hideout.  I do remember Thomak
saying someone hid behind the
plant/tree you see here. 

I'm a sucker for "cute" pictures!

Isn't this bridge cool?

Not going to explain.  Think WW2 and
Jewish people.  Need more, email me
personally  or comment on my
blog with your email and I'll be
glad to explain!

I had no idea!!  Max Factor started
in Europe, more specifically Krakow
Poland!  This was where it started;
I believe Thomak said the creator
was the first millionaire in Europe...
or something along those lines.

This is the section of Krakow where
the furniture...well, it's in my last
blog and I'll let you read about it!

Our tour went by the Schindler Museum.
You don't know who Oscar Schindler
was???LOOK HIM UP!!!   I learned that
he himself actually wasn't the idea
originator of  "the list", he had help!
Either way, it's always encouraging
to read about people who stand
up/find a way around injustice!

Again at the Schindler Museum.
Sorry you all have to strain your

I know The Giants are not predicted  to
beat the Patriots but there have been bigger
upsets before and I would like an
upset.  GO GIANTS!!  Thoughts and prayers are
in Indy this weekend praying for a clean
game with no major injuries.  Also that
my family and friends in Indy can get around
without too many problems!!  Love and hugs
from here!!   I read somewhere where someone
said they were happy because it isn't too
cold.  I'm jealous. We're having the winter we
should have had last winter.

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