Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Well, would you look at that!

The same day I wrote about in my last blog we also went to a 3D movie in E.  I think it is interesting that I've been to 3 movies in B and only 1 of them has been in B'ian.  Anyway I noticed something a little funny and not expected as the movie started and the B subtitles rolled across the bottom of the screen.  I automatically was drawn to the B subtitles even thought I could understand what was being said better anyone in the group!  I have no idea why and I've noticed I do the same thing sometimes watching tv when there are B subtitles.  You know how when you know a language that someone else doesn't you can swich to that language to communicate and intentially leave someone out of the conversation?  My sister does it all the time with French (I don't think a thing about it! In fact, I'd do the same thing if I were in your shoes!)  Of course this only works if the other person knows the same language!  My volunteer friends and I have made jokes about how now we can do that with B when in the states; the only problem is finding people that I know who speak B!  I'm not proud of it but Nargis and I have actually done that with E once.  One of my babas was asking questions about me in Turkish and if I had a boyfriend (the answer is "no, don't want one now" but that is another blog coming up).  Nargis was telling me what she told my baba [who to this day won't believe I don't have a boyfriend even though (after awhile I had to play along; she wasn't taking "no" for an answer!) I broke up with him because I didn't love him and he cheated on me] and we were having our own little conversation in E while their conversation in B/Turkish was going on!  I think after going awhile of not hearing E spoken like I speak it (at the same pace) or even seeing it written, when I hear (or see) it it's like B was to my ears when I first started learning it; strange, a "foreign" language in more ways than one!  I've even noticed that sometimes it takes me awhile to think of an E word.  This comes to the delight of my B tutor who I love dearly!!  Anyway, I thought that was interesting and very unexpected!  Love and hugs from here!

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