Thursday, May 26, 2011

yes means yes

Time completely got away from me yesterday and I realized I hadn't blogged at about 10!  Sorry!!  So before I start blogging about all the festivities that are happening right now Iwant to elaborate on something that confuses me.  Bulgaria is the only country where a head shake yes means no and a head shake no means yes.  I knew this was going to be a problem for me but have to say have gotten quite used to it.  In fact when talking to family on skype they probably get confused because it's second nature for me now.  HOWEVER, since the rest on the world is opposite this I think some people  here try the "backwards way" (for them) with yes being yes and no being no.  So sometimes when I asked someone a question I kinda know the answer to and they shake their head like we do in the states, I have to ask them to clarfy which "yes" or "no" they mean.  When I first found out about this I thought there was absolutely no way I would get it, after all I have been doing the various head shakes for 38 years!  Even as recently as last July when I had my final interview with my program staff from the Corps I told Zhana I didn't think that would ever come!  It takes a little getting used to but after awhile of seeing it over and over again it becomes second nature!  I also realize how much I actually use my head when I say yes or no.  I never thought I did that much but I'm finding out I do!!  So when I get back to the states and someone asked me if I want some ice cream and I say yes but shake my head (like would be a no everywhere else but Bulgaria) I might get some strange looks!  Happy birthday a day late to my niece and congrats go to my Seattle family!!!  Love and hugs!

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