Monday, June 14, 2010


once again i had a lot typed and lost it all somehow.  just got done with my language proficiency interview and i think it went ok.  dani, the interviewer, said i did and spoke in long sentences.  i was certainly trying to!  she told me to have more confidence in speaking and i guess that means i have to get out more.  but we went for 15 minutes in b which is a feat in itself!  when i went home for lunch krisi met me and said she needed help with something and she sounded kinda urgent.  i was thinking maybe english homework or something else more urgent.  she wanted a can of sardines for lunch and the pull tab had come off!  i tried with their broken can opener for awhile and then went to see if my pocketknife would do anything.  it did but not enough to get anything out.  i would've given up but krisi was not about to!  she got a kitchen knife and tried cutting.  i told her not to and she was going to cut herself.  she said "it's ok."  not really but she was not going to stop.  she actually made some headway cutting the top open a small bit(with dani's good knife i might add) and proceeded to pull the top off.  i did tell her to let me at least do that and that she did do.  so now i smell like sardines, or whatever kind of fishy fish(yes Pam...FISHY fish) she was eating.  in the process of trying to figure out my pocketknife i found out it really is super sharp and stabbed myself a little and bc of that my band aid smells like fish!  not a big fan of fishy fish...or onions that smell like onions either!  anyway just wanted to give you all an update!  please pray for my moms cousin marsha who is in the hospital with complications of lupus.  after wed i'm not sure if i'll be able to post for about a week.  i leave for vratsa and don't get back here till a wk from wed and not sure what the Internet situation will be.  the YD group is staying in a hotel outside vratsa and then fri and sat we have a conference with (hopefully) the person who will become our best friend the remaining time in b, the counterpart.  then on mon and tues we visit our sites, the place where we will live the next 2 yrs and return to our home away from home next wed.  i'm off to do some errands.  till next time!


  1. Hi Lisa. Why don't you type your blog entry first in a Word document and then SAVE it. After that copy your document and paste it into your "blog entry" section on Blogger. This way you won't keep losing your information.(I have no idea why you are having this problem.) Take care!

  2. When we look back at the challenges life has thrown at us, or those we just dove right into, we realize that they were the best opportunities to learn and grow,especially when we have made the choice to keep going rather than backing out......... A couple years from now, you will look back on your blog entry, and realized it was just a bump in the road, and be thankful for all the efforts you made to stay true to your commitment to the Peace Corps,but most importantly to yourself.
    And really Lisa, this would not be a good time to come back, the heat is killing all of us here :)
