Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Today is going to have to be kinda short; back to "work" I am!  I have to clarify something first.  The writing I do about differences I notice here in B may not be the same all over B.  I'm writing from my perspective and really can't generalize.  Just like in the states a person can't say something about Southern Indiana and have it be true for California, or even Northern Indiana.  I'm writing about what I see in my town, where I'm living now.  So what I see as a difference in my town may not be the same in, say, Sofia, the capital.  Onto today's blog.  today's blog is about shoes.  Shoes are not worn in the house, slippers are.  So when I go gosti to someone's house I take my shoes off before going inside and am given a pair of slippers.  I'm guessing this is because shoes track things like dirt in the house and FLEAS in the summer.  They need to stay outside where they belong!  Some people are ok wearing socks inside instead of slippers.  I now, thanks to "Santa" at Christmas time and my Aunts, have a pair or 3 of extra slippers on hand for gosti's.  I've kind of gotten used to this and now it's second nature to take my shoes off before going into someone's home.  I've gotten used to them around my apartment too, so much that it kinda feels weird without them.  So for all of you who plan of being my gosti's I have a pair of slippers waiting for you!!  Today started my schedule again.  The kindergarten opened, although many of the children have the chicken pox, and school is back after the week long flu vacation.  Just like that things get busy.  Love and hugs!!

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