Wednesday, September 14, 2011

frst day

Sorry about yesterday!  I went to the next town over and had lunch with the volunteer there.  I had lasagna that wasn't bad considering I as eating an Italian food in Bulgaria!  So tomorrow is the first day of school here.  Last year I was in Samokov for a youth development thing and missed the first day festivities so tomorrow will be new for me.  I think the non-my town students are moving into the hostel maybe even as I type this.  I think tomorrow is more of a formality thing than an actual school day.  We also have school this Saturday and then have a 3 day week next week because of Independence Day on the 22nd, the actual holiday, and the 23rd, the day everyone gets off because it's the Friday after a holiday day.  This is going to be a boring blog because I have to get ready to leave in a little.  This is going to be a better and more productive year for me as far as activities are concerned!  There are a couple things I want to try and start and several things that will continue from last year.  Things are fine and it has gotten hot once again.  Love and hugs from me!

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