Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Break pics!

an old train car.  Ben and I just had
to get in!

again in the train!  It was
pretty cool!  Ben and I
were the only ones who
wanted to see what
the inside was like!!  

this is me of course.

this sign says (basically) that
this is the transportation

Pyce has some very nice rock
formations I would never have
found if  I hadn't been walking
around with these guys!

you wouldn't know it to look at him
but Ben is SUPER strong!!  That and
a good sport!

I'm really learning how to use
the timer on my camera!  Of course
this is the second picture; I
didn't make the first one.

We went into a second hand store and
Ben "highly suggested" I try this
mis-match outfit on.

This is the front view of me
"blowing kisses" to all
my fans.  I won't quit my
day job!  Promise!

Not sure if the side view is any
better!  I just had to buy the
pants.  Now that I think about
it I should have bought the
jacket too.

Chris, Jez, and April.  What's up Chris????

We found a place with hamburgers
 and french fries.  They were ok.

April was nice to take a picture so
I could be in it.  The timer thing
didn't work.

Here Jez is modeling the HUGE
chocolate bar I bought.  At night
we usually played some games,
drank some wine, had some snacks,
and solved all the world's
problems.  It was nice to
be able to chill and relax with

Boy, she really wanted that chocolate
bar didn't she??!!  It was very
good!  A great time was had
by myself, Jez, April, Chris, and Ben!
Looking forward to next time!


  1. Thanks for sharing the pics! How does one try on clothes, sideways? :D

  2. Looks like you guys had fun. Sorry we missed you this weekend - we were househunting most of saturday and sunday was nutsola. we'll try to catch up soon. love you!
