Monday, January 17, 2011


We are used to both parents working in the states, that's not a new concept.  That's sometimes the case here with a little bit different twist.  Several people I know here have significant others working in other countries to make ends meet.  Yes it's true we have lots of commuters in the states...but to other countries!  The "job market" here in B, or at least my town, is pretty much non-existant.  So you go where the jobs are to support your family.  I first was introduced to this during PST, the 10 wks before I came here, when I went to an English film (maybe only subtitles in Eng, I can't remember) with some friends that highlighted my PST town.  I saw children eagerly waiting for parents to arrive with Christmas gifts only to see those same children cry when their parent had to leave again, knowing it would be forever till they got to see their mom or dad again.  I can't imagine how hard it must be to visit your wife, son, or daughter for a short period of time and then have to leave them!  That's a way of life over here and something people get used to because they have to.    Or sometimes it's not a husband or wife.  The baba who lives upstairs has a daughter who works in Holland.  I've asked a couple times about jobs around here and it's pretty much teach or sew.  Of course there's a police officer and government jobs.  Even to be a teacher isn't secured.  If the schools lose students (it's a big time competition over here) they lose teachers as well, there's no money to keep them.  There is the job of cleaning up the trash on the streets, or ice and snow when it's snowy, that a person can apply for in the Mayor's office  but even that's temporary.  Right now I'm not sure how temporary; I'll check that out.  You do the best you can for your family!!  Sometimes what's best for the family is in another country and means only seeing your family 1 or 2 times a year.  Love and hugs!!!  You know I'm not the one having the baby (my sister's pregnant and is due today) but yet I think my sister is being more patient than I am right now!!

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