Monday, January 10, 2011

second nature!

It's funny how things just become second nature and you do them without even realizing!  This was the case for me in Italy.  Now I'm by no means great at B or even good, ok maybe a little-I'm in the 6th grade for B, but some things have become second nature...which is why I'm in the 6th gr and not the 5th anymore.  There are certain people I am used to speaking English with, namely other volunteers, the students, and my counterpart.  With everyone else it takes me awhile before I realize "hey, they're speaking English so I should too."  I'm used to thinking English is my back-up language here.  Because of that fact we, my friend and I on our Italy trip, tried every language we knew between the 2 of us BEFORE we tried our native tongue.  That wasn't an intentional thing, we just didn't think about it!  Then when we got to Italy little B words just came out on accident, they were second nature.  We would brush up against someone and say excuse me in B.  Or if someone asked us if we wanted something we would say yes or no in B.  I think we even answered Tyra, who we went to visit and a fellow Americana, in B a couple of times!  yWe laughed at this at first and had to tell ourselves that in fact no one speaks B outside of B, certainly enough to be understood.  We were still speaking B the day we left Italy!   I remember getting very frustrated with myself when my tutor pointed out I needed to start thinking in B.  I guess there's no other way to start than to start smell!  Today I started reading one of the B.fairytales in the staff room and the teachers helped me.   I tell you, first I see Scooby Doo on tv in B and now I'm reading 'The Three Little Pigs' in B!  Love and hugs!  Thoughts are with my family as I will be an Aunt for the third time on the 17th!!  Before if my sister has any say!

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