Friday, January 21, 2011

winter dangers

Not sure what to blog about (if you have any ideas of things you would like to know more about please let me know) so I'll tell you a little about where I live and how snow, ice, and the cold temperatures are not the only problems during winter.  I live the the Northern part of B and as  you know the Danube River is up here too.  In the states we hear all about the lake effect snow and such.  Well here I don't know if we get much "lake" effect snow but we sure do get our share of "lake" effect fog (mugla or мъгла!)    Now we have our share of fog in the states, maybe I should say Indiana, but here during the winter it's almost a nightly occurance!  Last night traveling by bus back home from seeing a play I would have had to pull over if I was driving; I couldn't see more than right in front of the bus!  Luckily the driver could and knew the roads.  I wonder if it has more to do with the fact that it's been warmer than usual this winter.  Or at least I think it's been warmer than usual but am not really qualified to make that call since I've been here a total of 8 months. So far I've seen more fog here in a month then I usually see in IN. in probably 1/2 years time!  So mom if you're reading this, gosh I hope pretty soon you don't have much time to read my least until you're back in FL, you can tell your pastor who got me the little keychain flashlight that it comes in super handy when it's foggy.  Now about the day.  Last night 31 of us went to a play and I think I figured something out.  I knew between 50-75% of the words that were spoken.  What I was lacking was the meaning behind those words.  I've noticed that in some of the English classes I've gone to and with some of the students.  They know words but the meaning isn't there.  So I think I'm going to stop with the grammar, not really that much of a  problem for me:), and tell my tutor I need to work on understanding.    Oh!  I'd be curious to know how much snow Indy got from the recent storm!  Not much else is going on now or this weekend.  I'm trying to start a "girls night out" for the young ladies in the hostel.  Not sure of any of the specifics yet but it's in the works!  I sure know how much I enjoyed it in the states and figure it might go over here.  We shall see!!  Love and hugs!  No news is good news I guess!?

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