Thursday, August 12, 2010

3 months!

i just realized a few hrs ago that it's been exactly 3 months today that i've been in B!  when i compare these 3 months with the 3 months i spent in the DR  i see such a big difference, but then that was 20 yrs ago!  it really doesn't seem possible and when i think about all i've accomplished and learned in these 3 months i gasp and have to wonder if i truly did do all those things!  and what did i do for my 3 month anniversary???  i got a screen for my balcony door so i can leave it open and not have to worry about bugs eating me alive!  or at least about bugs getting IN to eat me alive!  if anyone would have told me a yr ago i'd be so extremely happy over a screen i would have thought you were nuts!!  i'm a happy camper!!  now i can open the window AND the door and feel the breeze.  i think i deserve some ice cream! either that or wafers, which have become my new vice.   either of those 2 things will not last in the apt!  on to the fleas.  i think they have calmed down a bit or at least i don't see as many bites as i have had but they are still with me!  just about 10 secs ago my wrist felt a little funny and i looked and sure enough, 2 new bites.  i have been trying mom's remedy she found on the internet with lemons and water and i "caught" 1 bug but it wasn't a flea.  but hey, getting rid of anything that bites me is great in my book!  and i have to say last night i resorted to drinking some vinegar with a glass of water to see if that helps.  i've never been one to remember measurements and, even though i have a handy little conversion chart from angie, think i got too much vinegar! you know, in the states i'd go out and celebrate, ok for those of you that know ME maybe i wouldn't, a  special occasion or small victory like this but there really is nowhere here to really do that...but i'll think of something!!  love to all of you!  


  1. Congratulations! So proud of you :)

  2. Happy anniversary Lisa.

  3. Congrats on completing your first three months. There are still many more adventures to be experienced. Enjoy the rest of your time there!
