Wednesday, August 4, 2010

at war!

I'm at war with fleas!!!  this am while walking to go na ghosti with a man who works at the school I showed Nargis the flea bites on my legs.  low and behold after i got back home after my b. lang lessons, after a very nice time of coffee, coke, peanuts, cake, and the earliest I have had beer in my life, i noticed what i thought were new bites so i asked Nargis and she thought they were new also.  I DECLARE WAR ON THE FLEAS!!  i washed my sheets again, my couch covering, and all the tablecloths and everything.  i borrowed a vacuum cleaner and swept the rug and floors; maybe the fleas that were hiding in the crevices of the floor are now in the vacuum bag!  i aired out my mattress and sprayed my chairs and bed frame with biokill stuff.  IT'S ON!!  while i was declaring war on the fleas i started rearranging things in the apt.  it feels a lot more roomy!  tom N and I are off the pyce again to start my lichna karta, the document so I can stay in the country.  it will be another early am for me so here's hoping the noisy guys downstairs take another night off!  i've started getting mail although both letters were given to me by Nargis.  since today was war with fleas i didn't have a chance to leave the apt in the afternoon. that was exciting even though everything in the letters i already know.  it really is comforting and something i look forward to; mail.  i'm really going to have to remember the ladies at the post office because I'm sure they're going to get tired of seeing my name the next 2 yrs!   today we saw the lady who cooks for the school and got permission to use the oven to make choc. chip cookies.  i have the mix mom sent me and just thought this am that would be a great thank you.  yes it's probably true i need to learn how to receive without thinking i need to give back but i also want to ensure future volunteers get the same treatment, of  fresh fruit and vegetables.  anyway i can't believe what is on tv right now.  stiffler?"  "i'm going to band camp!!"  go figure! love! 


  1. you are becoming a new person. Coffee, coke and beer in the same day. WOW. Also, when I was living in France there was this couple who lived below us that #1: argued loudly all the time, #2 the chick wore high heels the entire time she was getting ready really early in the morning. Trust me, when they built that building insulation must not have existed because we heard EVERYTHING. I feel your pain. I am your ally in your war against fleas. I am thinking anti-flea thoughts and will consider sending troops, but must consider my pacifist views before committing all my resources. Ha. Get my Woodrow Wilson reference? Sorry - I'm tired. Love you - Steph

  2. Hi Lisa. Maybe you are dealing with bed bugs as opposed to fleas? I think it's worth investigating the culprit. I had this problem with bed bugs when I was on China SST. Here is a guide to getting rid of them. At least you don't have to worry about mosquitoes carrying malaria. Bonne chance un du courage!!!
