Tuesday, August 24, 2010


i'm on a self-imposed quarantine so i figured i'd get my blog done early.  seems like i've picked up a cold and figured while i can i'll stay home and not spread germs and take better care of myself.  my aunt asked me some questions about life here and it started me thining maybe there's more i can explain about the alphabet.  there alphabet has 30 characters including the same letters as our letters a,b,c,e,h,k,m,o,p,t,x,  and y.  now this might seem like a way to cheat b/c i already know these but let me assure you it's not.  b,k,m,and t make the same sound as we're used to.  now the b is tricky.  if it's B it sounds like our v but if it's a b it sounds like our letter b.  now the kinda tricky part.  the c sounds like our s, the e is a short e, the letter p is an r sound, the x is an h sound, and their letter h sounds like our n, their y sounds like "oo."  here, this might do a better job:   абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъьюя. there are also words that are spelled the same or very similar and if you put the stress on the wrong syllable or mix up a letter it's a whole new word!  xoro is the dance that is very common here and xora means many people.  most times when people don't understand me it's b/c i don't get the stress of the word right.  i have the right word i just am saying it wrong.  either that or i have run into people not expecting B to come out of my mouth so they just don't try to understand, kinda like i do when all my B friends are talking amongst themselves and, after awhile of trying to pick up words,  i know it's kinda pointless to try to understand so i kinda just tune them out.  then i get caught b/c someone asks me if i understand anything.  i was at the post office waiting for nargis the other day and saw this older guy looking at me and, after asking nargis if he spoke B, introduced myself to him.  he didn't say anything and nargis asked him why and he said b/c he couldn't understand me!  nargis and i talked about this and decided it was a combination of him not thinking i was going to speak in B and me not putting the stress on the words right b/c nargis said she could understand me, but she's used to my American accent now.  i'm going to try to post those pictures,see next blog for today, i told you about.  love and thoughts are with my family!


  1. the alphabet is so confusing I would be in so much trouble! I am glad it is you and not me there as i would probably offend someone with me speech. Glad you are getting along well. Hoping your are feeling better. I really wish the humidity would go away here. So hot!!

  2. I think this is referred to as the Cyrillic alphabet and other countries use it in addition to Bulgaria.

