Tuesday, August 3, 2010

being a foreigner

once again i have been humbled.  this am N, my counterpart, and I went to the local medical center to get some information to send into the pc and i came away with more plums, and not the purple kind, apples, and tomatoes i am going to be able to eat before the plums go bad in 5 days!  i also got a cucumber and some onions and a pepper for the chapska calata i had for lunch.  i stopped and got some serine and had the first chopska calata i've had since i've been in G.  and it tasted SOOO good!  but again i'm left with the thought of what can i do to make this up?  other than a thank you note i'd have to run by N to make sure everything is being said correctly i'm not sure what i can do for these people.  the pc offered a talk about living in a muslim community during one of the last HUB's, where all 85 of us come together and get info , given by current volunteers and i went to that one.  one of the things that everyone said is that being new people will give you things and it's important to give something back.  i'm just having trouble figuring out what exactly.  i'm working on taking more pic's so i can show you all my home for the next 2 yrs.  i decided on a schedule for the mornings although the past 2 days it hasn't worked because i have woken up at 3:30 the past 2 am's and wasn't able to get to back sleep for awhile so when my alarm clock went off at 6:30 i reset it.  i also decided today i'm going to label my apt in English and Bulgarian words.  tom am i am going over to the house of  one of the men and women who work at the school .  that will be interesting; to see other houses in G.  i have to get to the post office so that's gonna have to be all for today.  do utre!  please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers!  lisa


  1. I think it's in your nature to feel like you need to do something special to thank these people for this bounty they have shared with you. But it sounds to me that this seems to be the custom there and something you just need to accept. And what a wonderful culture to be a part of. Think of it this way - maybe these people feel like THEY are repaying YOU for your service. What you are doing in the peace corps may not seem like a lot to you, but to these people it is something extraordinary. I have learned over time that sometimes it's best just to say a humble thank you and enjoy. I think that sounds appropriate here. And then pay it forward! Love you.


  2. I see that you are enjoying yourselves! Glad that others get a chance to see what you have to offer! Thinking about you!


  3. Wait! Wait! Wait a minute! Am I the only one who picked up on this? Are you telling us you are actually cooking? No more hot pockets? or is a chopska calata a salad? ;)
